
Additional Services (Free)


Bookmarks are PDF document navigational tools that allow the reader to quickly locate and link to the points of interest within the medical record. They can be prepared in user defined categories such as providers, record type and dates, allowing easy file access.

2. Hyperlinks

Hyperlinks allow for instant navigation from summaries and timelines to corresponding source page. This increases efficiency and accuracy of locating the original records. This service is available only in PDF version. Clicking the references in the hot linked document will take you the corresponding page in the medical records.

3. Billing Summary

Medical bills are sorted in chronological order and expenses are recorded in a separate spreadsheet which includes the details like date of treatment, types of treatment rendered and expenses incurred. The patient’s expenses for all the services rendered by every health case provider are also captured.

4. Medical Glossary

Glossary will be provided to the medical terms which are critical to the case.

5. PDF Sorting/Merging

We arrange the mixed up medical records in the order of your preference. We specialize in sorting the medical records based on chronological occurrences (date-wise), provider and service types. We can also custom sort the medical records based on your preferences.

6. Bate Stamping

The records will be Bate stamped for easy identification on request by the client. Alphanumeric bates are used commonly.